Friday 26 February 2016

Stop Comparing Your Spouse to Others!

Certain aspects of life cannot be changed or manipulated. And one of them is the fact that there is – and will always be – someone better, wealthier, wiser or better looking than you. Invariably, it also goes without saying that the same reality also to your spouse. Someone else’s wife or husband will always appear better in many aspects in comparison to your own spouse.
But that simply is looking at the whole scenario from the wrong end of the kaleidoscope.

If we were disentangle our mind-set from the above negative perception and instead channel our thought process through the lenses of positivity; we may be pleasantly surprised to discover that we are also superior to other people in certain aspects: that our wives or husbands are also better off (more caring, better looking, less rude) in comparison to other peoples’ spouses’.

The problem however is that more often than not, our perception is clouded by the thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side. While it could be true that the grass is green on the other side, it may not always be so. Sometimes it will be green and other times it will be dry. Since we do not live there, we are misguided into thinking that it is always green. But, it is only the people who live on the supposedly green side of the fence who truly know the condition of that grass.

It is not uncommon to hear people complain about the shortcomings of their partners. Women are especially prone to this tendency of whining about how nice other people’s husbands, family and children are. This is not to imply that men are immune to such thought processes. They are just more reserved about it.

While it may be alright to wish your wife would be less nagging, prettier, a better cook, sexier or even slimmer, it is wrong to try to compare them with the wives of your friends. For you do not live with them and cannot therefore claim to know that they are less nagging. Couples tend to be well-behaved and in good terms in the presence of guests. You do not know what goes on in that house when you are away. And if they happen to be less nagging indeed, they may yet possess other less desirable attributes that only their husbands know of - attributes that you may find offensive if you were to trade places with the husband you envy.

It is no secret that most women wish their husbands would be more caring, romantic, considerate, nice, kind and helpful. From the offices to markets, salons and chamas, women have been heard lamenting bitterly – “other men get their food alone from the kitchen or are more helpful with the chores around the house, why can’t mine be like them?” Why can’t mine prepare his own food? Or why can’t mine be more sweet and pleasant? Why can’t mine be more tidy and responsible?

There is no denying that some men may be all that. But whilst they may be willing to get their own food from the kitchen, they may be abusive or disrespectful towards their wives. While they may love the family of their wives, they may also be unfaithful or physically abusive to their wives. And just because you saw him getting his own food from the kitchen or doing the dishes does not imply that it is always so. Or that he is that fine in every aspect. The bottom line is he could possess other traits that would repel you if you were to be his wife.

The truth is some of the worst marriages are those that look prettiest and nicer on the outside. Don’t judge and compare your relationship or spouse to other people’s relationships or spouses. Because they cannot be you, and their spouse cannot be the person yours is.

When the grass seems greener on the other side, it simply means its inhabitants are working tirelessly to keep it that way. It means they have discovered the secret behind maintaining that green lushness that everyone envies but are reluctant to work towards achieving. Grass does not just turn green on its own or dry up without a reason.

If your wife seems to be nagging all the time, you could be the cause of all that incessant nagging. Or if your husband does seem unkind and brash with you, maybe you are the cause of his rudeness. Constantly berating him or her to be more like other people will NEVER change them. It will only put them on the defensive making them more stubborn, resistant and unyielding. The truth is they were not like that when you met. So what could have changed them? Well, there is only one way of finding out. By talking to them nicely, like an adult; just the way you used to when you were dating.

But for the sake of the relationship, do not give them a dressing down or even bad-mouth them to your friends. Words have a tendency of spreading through the walls and should they get to hear what you think of them, your relationship will take a headlong plunge into the depths of tumultuous waters.

Without knowing it, we are responsible for moulding our partners. What we think about our partners, the way we see them, the words we say to them and how we act or behave towards them will ultimately determine how they respond to us. The underlying problem is that we all are aware of this. But we are always waiting for them to be the first to be nice and kind and do stuff to us. We do not want to be the ones to initiate or take lead. Then when they don’t, we start complaining that they don’t care about us while conveniently forgetting that we are also guilty of not doing the same to them.

As they say we all want to be loved, appreciated and cared about. But we are reluctant to do the same as we conveniently hide behind the lie that we will only care about them when they care about us.

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