Thursday 28 July 2016

We Are All Guilty Of Torching Our Learning Institutions

We are a society with little to no moral foothold. The little modicum of morality left in us is oftentimes squandered in selfish pursuit of lofty self-aggrandizement and ideals; in bars, at work or evening classes. As if that is not enough, we either glorify or engorge ourselves in impropriety, indecency and immorality.
We spend our adult lives bingeing on alcohol, drugs and casual sexual flings. We entertain corruption and reward the corrupt with influential public offices and political positions. We break the law without blinking. And when we encounter divergence of opinion in politics, we square it out by hurling unprintable words against perceived foes. Do we stop at that? Of course not! We have never shied away from killing our neighbors, maiming our opponents, raping their wives, mothers and daughters and destroying their property.

We express our political dissatisfaction through violence; looting, burning and destroying personal as well as public property at will.

We have conveniently forgotten that children mostly learn by emulating the conduct of adult members of the society; not what we tell them.

And when our children – the so called ‘Xaxa’ generation – turn aggressive, disobeying their tutors and torching our learning institutions in a frenzy of madness, we have the temerity wonder what is wrong with the new generation and the hypocrisy to question their upbringing!

Well, gentlemen and dear ladies, we are what is wrong with our children; for in reality, they are a reflection of the society. They are us! They mirror our intolerance and inability to sort out our differences amicably. They have simply learnt from the best. As we light bonfires on our roads, stone motorists, destroy, loot and burn private and public property in the name of protests, how then do we expect our young ones to act any different?

Sadly, as is our wont, we are forever averse to accepting the role we have so perfectly played in creating the gang of miscreants and rascals that is our children. We are now seeking for quick fix solutions to ‘this menace’ that is threatening to burn down our beautiful homes when they’re done torching their schools. Oh, and we’re so good at the blame game that we’re willing to point fingers at anyone and everyone else, as long as it’s not us.

It comes as no surprise that after creating our little villains in our houses and villages, we have no shame in blaming the government and calling for the resignation of individuals with absolutely no hand in the upbringing of our kids.

What a shame!

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